Comparative analysis of Pre-trial detention laws across the Commonwealth

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (“CHRI”), a non-profit, in collaboration with K&L Gates LLP collated information on pre-trial detention laws of different countries across the 54 Commonwealth countries.

The information in the report is not a critique of the laws in any of the jurisdictions, nor it is intended to be or to replace legal advice on any of the issues discussed. It is presented merely for the purpose of comparative analysis and to create an opportunity for discussion of best practices in pretrial safeguards, detention and access to legal aid across the Common Wealth. KATS contributed to the report with respect to Uganda.

The report was presented at the People’s Forum at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda. It delves into a plethora of issues pertinent to pre-trial detainees including but not limited to: international and regional safeguards to pretrial detention, rights of suspects and accused persons to be informed of civil rights by apprehending authorities, consequences in proceedings where the accused is unrepresented, alternatives of non-custodial measures as alternatives to pretrial detention and more.

A copy of the report in its entirety can be found here:

Guilty till proven innocent?