Our other clientele comprises of major international and local corporations, national and international commercial, savings and merchant banks and other financial institutions; foreign investors and their local subsidiaries, international development institutions, multilateral agencies, international financing and lending institutions; the Government of Uganda and the Governments of other nations, parastatals and non-governmental organisations, airlines, oil and insurance companies; a wide range of industrial and commercial establishments of all kinds; international law firms, accounting firms and other consultancy firms and most of the prominent individuals in the nation’s economy and other sectors. We are a significant player in the facilitation of East Africa’s legal and economic development.
Providing unrivalled services to our clients is the commitment of this Firm and the hallmark of our practice. We recognise that ours is a service industry and we work with each client throughout an engagement to ensure that our staffing, strategy, and procedures are designed to yield the result they seek, at a fair price and on a timely basis. We strive for long term relationships that build trust and a thorough understanding of our clients’ industries.
A sample list of our clients in any particular practice area (subject to client confidentiality requirements) is available upon request, kindly contact us at: kats@kats.co.ug.